Career in Design — from Jr. to Senior Designers, Design Mentorship & Evangelism — Design Roundtable: 1

What if we could get some kick-ass folks to sit together and talk about questions and issues that most won't address. 

With the first roundtable, we explored the topic "Career Path as a Designer", with: 

  1. Abhinav Chhikara — Designer, YouTuber, & Digital Creator 
  2. Arjun Arunkumar, Designer at Swiggy 
  3. Hardik Pandya — Designer at Google  
  4. Madhuri Maram — Co-founder at Xperian & D+P, Host at Hireworthy Podcast 


Here are some questions we talked about: 

  1. What, we wish, we knew when starting our careers as a designer 1:38  
  2. What excites us about the future of design & tech? 12:55 
  3. Career Options: Individual Contributor (IC) vs Managerial Roles (and other ideas) 34:44 
  4. Importance of Design Evangelism & Design Mentorship — for organisations & individuals 54:42 
  5. Design Community & Industry Talk 01:07:18
  6. Bloopers 01:20:22

From improving on communication, collaboration to alignment and people-management skills. We talked about all!   How would you answer these questions? What were your favourite moments from the roundtable? 

Have someone in mind that we should invite for a roundtable? Leave a comment!  

#design #designcareer #uiuxdesigner #seniordesigner #leaddesigner #designmanager #careertips #designcareertips

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