Sell More in The Flow

This is the last post about Rewalsar (Tso-Pema), I promise. Eating out at Dhabas (Indian Park is Road-side restaurants) on vacation is inevitable in India. I always wonder why I end up eating more than usual at Dhabas. Is it the awesome food, not really. Finally I made the discovery. The key to their selling more is 'the flow'. A buying customer is more likely to buy from you again, everyone knows that. But how many of us use this information? Amazon does, they always recommended you products that you can't help but notice (while you are in the flow). So does Dhabas, they offer you things that you cannot deny while you are in the flow of eating. What can you offer to your customers while they are in the flow? What can you offer to enhance their experience? You end up selling more and they get more value.

You are reading a post that I wrote a long time backā€”at least 14 years ago. Take it with a bag of salt.

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