Building a Career with the Internet, Finding our Passion, and Building Wealth — King Sidharth's speech at PSG College of Techn, Coimbatore

While each one of us is born naturally curious, the education system & our mental-models, that our society runs on, train it out of us. Owning and honing this curiosity can change our lives — especially in the age of the internet. 

With the internet, education yourself and building a career & wealth has become the easiest it has ever been. You can pick-up any soft-skill, learn a language, learn to design, build an app, learn programing, find jobs and freelance gigs across the world, collaborate with folks, or even network and build a brand.  We can either use the internet to stalk our crushes and ex-s or use to our advantage. 

My journey with curiosity & internet led me to try out my hands at the business starting at the age of 12, and then being a part of Indian startup ecosystem with Instamojo (2012-2019) and now across the world with Headout. Working startups & building industry-changing products is my calling.  

Startups create wealth — and wealth is better than selling time to get money. However, wealth & success both are subjective — for some, it can be owning shares, IPs, or degrees, for others, it can be a stable relationship, living a healthy & natural life. So how do you find and define your criteria of success? How do you #findyourpassion?  

The first step is to expose yourself to various ideas until you start getting interested in something. You can use the internet to do this — Wikipedia & YouTube is your friend here. (both free!)  

The second step is to try and invest effort into your interest and gain some skill & experience — you can find tutorials & people online to help you with this.  Once we start putting effort and see the results — that's when half the "interest" drop from viable options. Some that stick will turn into a passion as you continue to invest focus & time in it.  

In the world where most mundane jobs will be taken over by AI, just a college degree won't be enough. More and more startups & jobs will revolve around multi-disciplinary people. Don't wait for a sign form the universe — skills & learnings compound over time — startup today.  


Speech by King Sidharth at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 22 Feb 2020. 


Sidharth has been part of several startups in the Indian startup ecosystem — from Cleartax & Instamojo to now at Headout solving product & design problems.  He's given talks at 40+ colleges and events talking about future careers, startups, self-learning, and design, including at two TEDx events.  

Invite Sidharth to your college: @kingsidharth on Instagram or Google "King Sidharth speaker"


Check out the video on YouTube:

Transcript — Building a Career with Internet Speech by Sidharth

Zen story

Once upon a time. There was a Zen monk who used to live on top of a mountain. There was a warrior who wanted to be his student. He goes to him and says, "Teach me everything that you know, and I have five years, how long will it take me?"

The Zen master replies,"It'll take you 20 years. Oh, but I don't have 20 years."

"Can't we make it faster?"

Then master says, "It'll take you 25 years."

"But you're increasing the time"

"Now 50 years"

"But I don't have... my life will pass in 50 years if I were to gain all the knowledge."

"80 years"

The point of this study is impatience. Right? The amount of inpatients we have about learning things, um, and what opposite of what it takes to actually learn things.

Socrates & the impatient student

There's another similar story from the Western philosophy on Socrates. A student walks up to him when Socrates was taking a walk. Same question. He says, "Teach me everything that you know."

"Look at the water.", Socrates says.

The student bends down over the stream, and looks down to the river.

Socrates takes his head and puts it under the water. And this student is struggling to get a breath of air.

And after a few minutes, when the student was about to pass out, Socrates pulls him out.

This guy is mad, like, what the hell do you think you are doing? Like I could have died there!

Socrates asked him, "What were you thinking about when your head was down there?"

He was like, "I was simply wanting to breathe."

"There was nothing in the world more than I wanted to breathe."

Socrates says, "The moment knowledge and wisdom is as important to you as oxygen was. As breath was at that time. You will have all the knowledge I, I have."

So let's start with this one point, that opposite of impatience is not patience.

In real life, the opposite of impatience is curiosity.

And curiosity is something that I, I don't know how many of you have heard Picasso once said, "Every child is born an artist; the challenge is to the main one."

As you grow up, and what he was talking about is too, it's very difficult to keep your curiosity alive. And today I want to talk to you about that, the gift of curiosity that you all are born with.

"King" Sidharth's Story in Short

It's something that can carry you throughout the lifetime and why it is important to hone, preserve, and encourage this gift that you have. Curiosity helped me when I was standing on soul. I tried my first hundred business, um, including organizing events during summer camps and selling some handicraft items that I built myself out with my friends.

Uh, I learned to make soft toys during summer vacation. I bet I made seven of them out of its success soul and got back the money that I spent on the raw material on all the seven. The small ideas that was down. I was spending it on between 10 to 14 years of age. From 16 to 18, about 14 to 18 rather, I, I ran an online magazine, uh, back in the day, uh, for teenagers, which had over 10,000 readers every month back in the day.

And this is pre geo era, people did not have internet, right? That's when I started learning about designing. I started learning about programming, about coding all online, all for free. There were no courses involved. From around 18 to 20 for two years I ran a UX design agency in Delhi. We had clients from top sort of world.

I was a consultant to a lot of startups, 20 to 25 those five years. Just like, uh, you know, uh, I joined the founding team of Insta mojo and and we built India's largest MSMU network, uh, payment network, and then we build on top of a business network. Currently, I'm part of building hell out at handout.

We sell experiences across the world. I wanted to take that challenge bigger, what we are solving today. We serve over a million customers every month across the country, across the world, right in all of the journey.

The real education

I don't want you to think about what I learned. I don't want you to think about the courses that I took because for me it was designing programming for the T for you, it could be sales for you, it could be engineering.

For you, it could be a technical fee for you. It could be some other soft skill that you pick up. What I want you to focus on is that all of this was self alone. I do not have a certification or a degree in design. I do not have a certification or a degree in programming. However, that is what my day to day job is.

And I work at a startup, right? And I have part of building a lot of startups and startups do not ask for degrees of certifications. Startups, us for your work, for proof of work. Right? Can you do this? Can you solve the silence? Can you take up this silence? That is the central question they ask and how did I, was I able to do that?

Again, it comes down to curiosity. How many of you believe that the degree that you have will for next 30 40 50 60 years, that offline, that all of us are yet to see of working professional life, that your degree is enough to get to the professional life? So we clearly understand that degree is not enough.

Right? Any of your friends who are doing CS or any of your friends actually working in inside of center technology firms, including enforces to startups, you asked them if how much of their degree, what they learned in their, they call it, of course they use. You will realize very little. The only reason colleges were built back in the day and schools were built because they were lying, you know, workers, and we needed people who could be hired to do the line work.

While our work has evolved, we have become more professional, more technical. The way we teachers teach. It has not evolved, but times through the internet, you can eat the education in your own hand and only you can teach yourself. How many of us went through exams in schools and especially like history and other subjects like that.

And we're proud that the moment the exam is over, we can forget everything cleared up our mind. I go clear up my mind, how many of you are cleared of your mind after exams and never ever tried to remember it again? And that is what education system does. It forces us to learn these facts that are useless.

Who cares? And that thing died. I could have looked it up on Wikipedia. That's not how the world works anymore. Today we have internet. YouTube will teach you anything. YouTube is the biggest university in the world. Now you want to learn programming. Learn a day. You want to build an app. You can learn it there.

You want to start designing. You can learn it that you want to get deeper into what automobile, what automobile industry is doing in today's world and what is upcoming. You can get into it using YouTube. We want to build a network. You can go online, start connecting with people on LinkedIn. On Twitter, on Instagram, on Vegas, whatever industry you're interested in, and build a network, even before you step out earlier, if you had to build a network, you would actually have to go to

thousands or hundreds of conferences.

Hope that people pay attention, and that's when you will get actually some networking going on today. You can learn network and find jobs all online. In my last startup, instant Mozu, half the people we hired in my team. We discovered online, they reached out to us on Twitter, on Instagram, on dribble, on various platforms.

So in today's generation, odds on ration, if you had to build a cardio technology and internet is your friend, that is the only, in fact, friends that'll actually help you without charging you a penny. All you have to give is attention. All you have to give is focus and discipline, right? So if you are not using technology and internet to your advantage.

The fault is yours because it is cheapest in the world. In this country, we have the cheapest data. We are the biggest data users in the entire world. It does not get easier than this. Our parents did the same job 30 40 years. That will happen less endless. Any of us, we want to spend one year in our first job.

We want you can look, you can ask us any, why is that happening. Your one degree in skill set will not be enough to get you through your entire career. You will need multidisciplinary skills. You need communication skills. You will need technology skills, and all of the soft skills you have to learn by yourself and for people looking for passion and people who think they're found their passion.

The truth about passion and the magic of compounding

I have a bad news. There is no such thing as passionate. At least the way media says your passion, it does not exist. No one, at least very rare people are born with something knowing something that this is what I'm going to do. How do you find passion? You keep trying. Things keep like basically play things.

One of the things really, it starts with the interest and then you make an effort to improve yourself and then you like the result. How many of you like cricket. How did you get good at cricket? Were you modeling that no. You liked the idea. Forget you play. You played again. You kept playing. You kept playing for ears.

Now you can just wake up and start . That's so all skills alone and that's how passion is learned. Passion is nothing but you deciding to invest time in a skill set and in an interest and then seeing that it done and that momentum becomes passion. When you look at masters, loosely said one thing. I'm not afraid of.

Housing punches that you're practiced. Once I'm afraid of that one punch. You practice a thousand times. And what he meant was that is what drives passion. When you practice something over and over and over again for years, it compounds and we know that compounding is an exponential function. How bad our brains are imagining exponential functions.

We could have a whole lecture on exponential functions and still learn understanding to w what they need, but compounding skillset, money, both things are exponential functions. Right in first two years, nothing will happen. You keep trying your hand and design it. You plan your hand lettering, you keep trying your hand at automobile designer, keep playing whatever you want to try.

predominantly nothing will happen for next two to three to four years, but after four years, you will see a tipping point and that's when people from outside will call or it's magic. If you were born with this talent, but you know for 40 years that self doubt, you vent at it every day. You are not good at it.

You are frustrated with your own survive. Get that shot. How difficult it is to get that shot from my camera. I bought a DSLR as well, but it's not about the DSLR, it's about those food ears. It's about the spy ears that you give every day, right? So you can build passion into anything. It's not like there's a word in the sky written that this is how what this person was born.

So that was born to do design or to do startups. Nothing like that. Right? You can pick any passion you want, invest your time and see the adults and with internet at your disposal, there is no limitation. The best of the best MIT lectures are available on YouTube for free or free. You don't have to give any entrance.

You don't have to pay a multimillion dollar fees. You just go and watch the best lectures online. But what did we do with the internet? We are talking about exes. You're talking like lashes at eight because important today, but people, startups and wealth. How many of you are interested in creating wealth?

Wealth vs Income

Someone as times go up, how many of you are in getting rich. Oh, everybody wants to forget if it's not so, and it's a good idea to get rich. When we grow, the economy grows, our family grows. I society grows. We prospered, right? That's the difference between making money and well, when you go to motto, join a job, you will sell your time for money.

That is income. That is not wealth. But when you spend time to learn painting and create a painting, which did not exist before, what was it? It was a canvas for 500 or 3000 rupees. It was 500 rupees. What color? But when you paint that X million dollar painting over, if you kept painting for years to come, that is wealth creation words.

I bet. But when you know, when other people take those words and write the book, suddenly it's more, more valuable. That's wealth creation. Startups, new wealth creation. As simple as that. It's the fastest way in a human lifetime to accumulate enormous wealth. Who bought Richard in this country apart from people who are already rich?

Sacco folks, business folks, right? So business and startup is about making wealth, but it's not limited to business and startups. You can use the same. Principle of creating wealth on your self and create a great amount of wealth for yourself, both in terms of money, both in terms of potential, both in terms of what you are looking forward to in the future today.

So you have to start. Differentiating wealth from money. It's okay to sell your time to get initial money, but long term stability in your life will come from creating wealth and understanding what wealth you are good at creating. It could be your network, it could be a relationship. It could be your emotional stability.

It could be poetry, art, photography, whatever it is. It could be a communication skill. You have to decide what you want to invest over time and 10 years later, that will be a wealth right. In fact, I want to talk about three important things you have to learn. If you want to get any of it, forget about getting rich.

If I did the calculation, and many of us understand like you know, being an engineering background here, so we understand mathematics. If you do, if you get a percent return on your fee every year. You don't, you get 6% but let's assume a person and you get the same person inflation, right? Every year, you will still lose money every year.

Our generation, if you look at pollution, you know how long you need to work. If you want to retire 200 years, look up the starting salary that goes out from any campus. And then do the calculation. You won't be saving from plus five years because expenses and I want to buy that new short. Of course, I waited for that for the longest time.

Of course, I have to be a party to friends. Of course, every take out, my girlfriend, boyfriend, right? So a lot of expenses grow, but we will not retire for 200 years. But if you look at wealth creation, that's when hope starts to rise. First thing I wanted to focus on is learning the basics of finance. But learning the basics of money.

What is compounding? How does it work? Because like your health, you can't outsource money. This is, can you tell somebody who go and for me, I'll become healthier. You go to gym for me, I'll get into muscles. See, it does not happen that way. Same thing. It's finance. You can't give your money to somebody and tell them to make me rich.

Learn about personal finance

Right? You have to learn about money yourself and not about being rich. At this generation, it's about survival. If you don't learn what how money works, we will have a very difficult time when, especially more and more. As the world gets complex, you will face more financial difficulties as you enter the real life from away from college, and you will find yourself utterly unprepared for it because our school taught us mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.

How do we pay taxes? Doesn't matter. But what happens if you don't know mitochondria? The cell? Nothing. Somebody will make fun of you. But what happens if you don't pay taxes? You go to Jerry today. So you are in fact the first startup in your life. Even if you don't do a startup, you are the first startup.

Learn to manage finances of that startup. Learn to understand what skillset that startup has. What did want to does that sort of health. Learn to understand what wealth that startup can create for you. And invest in yourself. This is the simplistic to passion explored thousand things on YouTube. They will be things you can stop thinking about.

Start investing time in those. Let's say you pick up photography. I really liked photography, but can you click 54 toes every day for next 40 years and still be as excited about it, but I give it a try for four months. You try for four weeks, you will know. But you will not know until you invest. Otherwise everything will look into synchrony.

Photography. Look interesting. Ramadi, we'll see your friend playing guitar. You're like, I'll bag it out as well. Then the guitar will sign on the corner in your hotel room and no one will touch it, and the duty pass from senior to junior to it'll be bring on the callers. Unless you invest. There is no other time.

And that is how fashion is. Bill. You invest, you see it, you invest, you see it art anyway. Eventually it becomes your passion. So pick your passion, use the internet. We are advantage. And if you're still unsure of what is interesting to you. Expose yourself to new ideas. And this my simplest trick that I can ask you to do.

The three things

Three things you can do to expose yourself to find your real passion or multiple passions. And many of you will start to realize that there is not, not just one passion. Most of us have multiple interests. And that is a good idea because as AI takes our jobs, the only job surviving will be multidisciplinary jobs.

All the people right now doing, you know, standing in the parking lot and clicking button to open the parking gate. Not required. Software can do it more and more. Software lead the way. Technology will eat the world. Half the jobs are going to go away, but which jobs will stay the jobs that require my, and the jobs that require multidisciplinary work, which means they feel able to combine people who work for them.

Nothing. Automobiles estate. People who are deciding what to build and what the market wants this state, but the Hines, which used to do the manual work, are being removed from the industry. Every same thing is happening in food industry. Same thing is happening in app industry. Same thing is happening in all sorts of manufacturing.

A lot of you folks have background in business, family businesses. You will see the same trend happen there. Let's talk about those. What those three things I read, write and travel. How many of you love reading, not and talking about like, you know, some legit books. Yeah, so they are too hands on reading.

Some people are reading fiction. Nonfiction doesn't matter. Start somewhere. When you read, let's say reading Harry Potter. Your brain does not know if you're reading it or you're living it. That's where you can feel it. So imagine instead of living 30 lives, if you read the Bible of your 40 people, you are lit their lights, you gaining experience.

Reading is the fastest way to download software. New software, right? It said, I'm download. So download more new apps. Read mode. How many of you love writing? Like in diaries? I think poetry. Very few people listen to. The art of comunication is not luxury anymore. You go to an office, you have to talk to 10 people.

People who do not get anywhere in their careers, whether they are entrepreneurs talking to a VC or their employees, or whether they are people in job talking to their managers and their subordinates. If your communication is not good, you will not get anywhere. You can be the best person at what you do, but if you can, let's say, live the best photos, but people don't understand what I'm saying, they won't even hire me.

Communication is essential. Writing is a beautiful tool to do an open mind surgery. You write down your ideas, you change what you've written, you will see your mind change as well, right? Express. It's good that you know, we know everything. Very, very smart folks know. But unless we write, it's not going to happen.

So use writing as a tool to clarify your mind, what you're thinking about you feeling weird about whether you like somebody or not writing it. The clarity will be immense. Thing is traveling. How many of you love traveling. And I'm not talking about traveling with family alone or with friends, traveling alone.

Completely less. Let's see. Very nice. Very nice. Good for my company. Yeah, I'll sell you more tickets. So what does traveling loop actually, you step out of the comfort zone. You brew out to another country, another place, another city, another culture. You apply there things you see how they behave and you realize that different from you, but the same as you.

Accident of birth

They have their own peak coffee installs you. We have our own different copies stores. They have their own nice morning food. We have our own nice morning food. You start to realize that the world is smaller than you thought. You start to realize that your world is not the only word left here. How many of you understand this concept called accident of birth?

accident or both, if you will. Okay. Let me ask this question, which is the greatest nation in the world?

India. If you born in the United States of America, assume you were born in the USA. This is happening, and I just say it now, which is the greatest nation in the world. How did that change that? How can there be two great nation in the world?

This is called accident of birth. If you were born in us, us is the best country. You're born here. This is the best country. I'm born in this religion. This is the basic religion. I'm born in that listen, that is the best religion. These are personal truths and view. You will keep confusing personal truth with the objective, scientific truth, and you start traveling.

They will tell you their life. Everybody loves their country. Everybody's parents are the best parents in the world because I don't live here. It's the bar, right? And beta is doing very well, but they only have these two children, like make do with what you have here right. And this opening of mind is essential because we as a culture, as a civilization, waste so much time arguing about personal truth.

It's, it's, it's crazy. Yeah. You can have your favorite team. I can have my favorite team. How does that matter? I, it's a very basic fundamental, and you will learn more about this accident of birth. It's just an accident. You were born in this country. It just an accident. You were born into a certain religion in a certain community, and you were brought up to penetrates the best because that's how we bring the people, but everybody's brought up that way.

Everybody feels their religion, their country, their parents, their way of living. Life is the best, and both people can be right, right. That's what traveling teaches. Youth opens up your mind to new ideas. And with that, reading, writing, traveling, keeping your curiosity alive, use the internet to your advantage to build a career using the need to learn new skills, incoming future, you will not have well defined job structures that's going to go away.

All the job security is going to go away. You can already see that like Berman's obviously so secured and Obama itself is telling the government companies, right? Palletizing them, so nothing is going to be the same anymore. The security that we are being sold does not exist already. Engineers don't do engineering jobs.

Fashion designer doing fashion designer jobs. Like you start speaking to people out there in the industry. You have to build your own career no matter what degree you have, no matter what skills you have, you have to learn to communicate building networks. Then people's faith, learn soft skills and internet is there for you.

Start compounding today. Any skill you side right now, 40 years later, you will start to get good at it. So if you want to be good at talking to people, faculty, you want to be good at communicating with people. Sad today. You want to go live with the money stock today. You want to be able to design, build apps, build startups.

Audience Questions

Audience Question: You spoke about the importance of learning about personal finance. What's a good book or resource to get started? Like Rich Dad, Poor Dad?

Answer: I think you answered the question already. Rich Dad Poor Dad — that is a brilliant book to start. Okay. Other things by Robert, you ask, I'm not a big fan of. But that book — that is a brilliant place to start. The second thing I would love you to learn is low in double entry accounting. It will change your mind.

How many of you get money from your parents in your bank account just to show a friend. Cool. Now let's assume money comes from your parents account to your account, and then you spend it on, let's see what example. I know we are good people here, so we don't do it. We spend it on alcohol, right? Like physically speaking, in accounting terms, your parents spent that money on alcohol that enough, just using her account at the time.

Your money does not lie, and accounting is the best way to see very applied is that if the clarity is alcohol, then you will spend more most on alcohol. That's an example. Learn double entry accounting two starting 0.7 you can, if you want to get deeper into it. A Warren buffet life each year. Letter to shareholders.

That 40 of them out there and each one every month, they just read one every month. Learn how he thinks about money, how he thinks about value. Like rich dad, poor dad, learn about double entry. Watch one YouTube video engineer the smarter number. Pick it up like one weekend you will live with handling system.

It's not that difficult. You can speak many language.

So my first business was around just organizing events. So, um, I was in school. So what we did was blindly event garden, the location from the school itself, and we will, how did we get that? We were like, we are calling the press school's name. give it to us as for free. And then we charged tickets, computer bees, each entry and how we sold to the students.

Most you spend more than a CCD visit, then purpura piece easily. This much you can spend for your own work. And then we hired like what hundreds of students come in and that is how the first business foundation at scale started. So the not acquired in investors money. Of course my parents were investing in me, food, water, head supply, all of that stuff.

Audience Question: How do you turn passion into profession?

Answer: Very interesting. I think that's very deep question. I love that question. So how do you make passion in your profession? One thing you can say, so passion like we learn is nothing but a momentum. You invest, you get return, you invest, you get return. So passion is a fate of mine. It's not a static thing. You can be passionate about something in the moment and not be passionate about it in your life.

Any of you had to really go to washroom badly and you were stuck at Sunday out on the road. That's passion. Very passionate, right? Like everything I lose is, let me use the washroom. I have not seen more passion people in life than that. Like so passionate. You have to realize it's not a static thing. It's a state of mind.

You create. It's so, it's so rushed in the mind of focus, of zeal, of energy, of, of vigor, of curiosity. And to realize that you can, a, you can turn anything into fashion. Like we spoke about any interest into passion, right? And then be realized that you can pick a profession and make that into fashion as well.

It goes what way? You found a passion. You make it into career. Possible photography. We know many examples, but most of us will discover our profession and then turn it into passion. For example, for me, I own, when I started out, I never knew design is going to be my passion. And I'm passionate about design.

In short, I am, but I'm passionate about other things as well. But I really, I started doing things. Then I realized, Oh, I can develop this into passion. And then passion came later on, right? So be okay with trying out things that are you're not passionate about because passion is a state of mind. You can relate unless you hate the thing.

So look for interest, not question, but when your interest in two projects. Then they will hopefully turn into your , or if you haven't found a passion, but you like doing something just late, just found a profession that you're okay with. Then start turning that into passion. Get deep into it. Learn Woody you about it.

Like this story, I stole it from London by the nothing. She's a speaker on entrepreneurship and she talks about that. And one Indian, I was hired at Walmart and during Christmas season he was hired there. Right? And uh. The how he was hired. He goes, last moment, he goes like, sir, please give me a job I really needed.

And the manager of the Walmart store in us was like, no, no, no. The hiring is closed by PM. You are late. We don't do that. So you go back, he pleaded, he pleaded like we Indians do and what the job. Next day he comes to the job. He has a nice day manager comes in, ask him, how much sale did you do today? And this Christmas season?

He's like, I did want to say like, are you kidding me? On normal day we'll do five sale at least, but per person who's standing there, uh, you did one in Christmas season, you should be doing 25 you're fired. You can go. And while these reading it like this, I would look at, ask you how much good work was that one sale?

He says one $25,000 it's like there's nothing in the store that is one $45,000 yeah. What I was saying. So how would you sell that? He's like, so you're talking model's fishing rod. And I said, okay, if you barrier went fishing, I went to this, please, why don't you do a river off? Take this nice port to the river rafting.

So, so eliminated half the rafting. Very nice. So, but still doesn't add up. Like then I told him like you, if you're going there, might as well do camping. Uh, might as well do camping there because the nice place to come. So I sold them camp equipment and everything as well. Okay. Let's tell not wondering.

Thousand dollars like then was like, you're going that far. You're taking shipping, fishing equipment, you're taking tank, you're taking canoe in the river. How will you carry, or let's take this, but five will be limited in the wealth back to you. They say, you are telling me orphan came from fishing rod, you sold him a tent.

It's sold a canoe. You sold him a golf, that damn car. He's like, no, sir. The person came for headache. We're looking for headache. I told him fishing is a good idea to have your headaches. This is entrepreneurship. It's not about starting a business. It's about relentless resourcefulness. It's about ownership.

And no matter which profession you have picked up, you can build this style of ownership. This problem is my problem and I'll find a way to solve it right. Be resourceful in life. There are many of your professors you go to every single time and you're stuck, right? You, I have no answer, please help me.

And they always have an answer. You know, as one professor, they always have an answer to your problem, right? Whether it be personal or professional, that is called resourcefulness. Always looking for a way out, always looking to solve a problem. And that attitude in any profession that you pick up. Did I turn it into not only passion creation program, but I hope that addresses your question in some ways.

Audience Question: Parents always say you get good grades and a good job and you will get a beautiful bride? Is that success? Who will be more successful — someone who follows that path or follows their own dream?

Answer: Okay. I think from the question, I have a feeling you already know the answer, but let's talk about it. The parents will promise and everything, whatever they think you're excited about, right? Just do tents. Then beautiful grade, full freedom. Do whatever you want, right? Let's do then freedom, do whatever you want, and the story goes on.

Ain't, then you will do the same thing, but you're okay with it by Nord. Right? But one thing you have to realize, there is no success in life. The only hasn't done that. People who have millions of dollars in their bank corner and unhappy, that's not success. Did I. If people are like, I will cry in my Lamborghini.

That's not success. If you had to like really sell your soul to get that Lamborghini, you're not going to be happy. You have to voice define what success is for you. For some people, extreme cause some people it's legacy. For some people it's money. For some people it's peace of mind. For some people it's relationship.

For some people it's stability. For some people it's just living a basic life without harming anyone. Define what success is for you. And don't let anyone outside of your define that fixes for you. That is why introspection, the read-write travel part is so important. Unless you know yourself, you can define sex as herself and once you realize that success is subjective to you, then you realize success is also a state of mind.

If you are happy in balance. Of emotion. My emotions are balanced and I'm happy and I'm successful. You're going to feel that right now. Like if you're happy in financial stability or doing your money, you can be on the path to lower my little league. So first, there is no absolute success. You define your own success.

So who will be more successful? The person who more honestly decides from inside what success is for me, the most honest person will win this game. The more you lie to yourself, the further and further away you will be from that success, right? So there is no objective success out there. Uh, if you feel like X person, um, has become success, you will talk to them.

They are looking at the next thing already. Right? Or when you were very, very fifth grade, come into college was a success. Big yellow. Now we are in college. Like what have you done? Nothing much treading my same, same story on me. So the same story goes, that isn't inside business. You have to define what it means for you.

Let's take a last two questions. Yes.

Audience Question: Hi, my name is XXX. So in your speech you to mentioned AI. Uh, so, uh, Nick. Only thing that differs from us is that AI can't be creative. So how do we surivive in the future?

Answer: I love the specificity of that question, how you got into that detail. And that is true. AI is becoming close, inclusive. You want to write poetry and songs are going right, but as long as then all of us better pop songs, producing music and release the full album as well.

is doing that. The experiments where they can play chess and beat you to work, right? But one thing AI does not have is imagination. All our problems are imaginary in life. Anything you're troubled about today, unless it's a physical issue, is imaginary. You worry about future imaginary. You worry about something happened in the past, imaginary machines and not have imagination so they can create problems.

And they can't find a solution. The title of Islam, you know what solution you can build any followed by better, you know, okay, this is how chess is played. You tell a little to a machine, it will play better, but you ask it to design a game like chess, which will be enjoyable to human beings. It can't do that.

AI can't, and machines can't fi emotions. They can't communicate deeply. They can't communicate. And to your heart as a person, human being cord. So we as human beings, as the AI takes over, will realize that all of us have to become that unique self that you were born to be. If it is about whether it's about knowing how to cook well, because machine cooking is nowhere close to human cooking today and it is not going to be a human as a human is a human right.

While machines can paint, they can't decide that what to paint you in the current society scenario. That's what artists do. They look at society and pay and render what they are thinking about. So in future your job, and third thing they can do is there is no general AI like now, I mean we're going to find a blue one.

This specialized area. There's AI designed to do photography, is AI designed to do music recognition is AI design. Whatever it is designed to do to illuminate. But you can't ask this AI to do that job. Which means the only people who can switch like this liquor photo. At the same time about the processing power.

Talk about the computer processor that it's in. It's a legal one to the meaning of their life from that photo. This can multidisciplinary thing can only be done by humans. So we, as we go forward, we will have dual specializations. At least you will be specially specialized. For example, in automobile engineering, for example, and at the same time, public health safety, or in luxury aesthetics.

How do be, what do people really want to know? Automotive is coming in. Oh, you will be in line management or how to design not only the truck, right, but Harbor design the entire pipeline for it. So they will actually out there right. So because machine can make that car, but it can decide what are the regulations that should be there for that card.

Like machine can decide that I will live in the for you, this whatever that four two means, should that be there on the platform or not? A human has to decide, right? And that requires multi-disciplinary field. So simple answer. AI will propose simplest jobs, the most mundane jobs, the jobs that can be done again and again.

That you see their mind is not in use and only job that will be left are the ones that require you to use your minds on multiple layers to solve multiple domains of problem. Do a study about domain specific language and domain knowledge. You can Google these two terms, domain knowledge and domain specific language, and that is what our future will be.

We'll have to know multiple domains, desperate languages to be able to speak up all the time.

Please DM on Instagram. And, uh, I'm again King Sidharth on Instagram and on YouTube. Thank you so much for the time. This was wonderful.

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