Rebranding Headout

Check out the blog post I wrote about 2020 industry trends.

Why are we rebranding

For the last few weeks, we' been busy rebranding Headout. Why, you ask?

The existing brand, while works well, has several issues:

  • Too many colours to support edge-cases with no coherent colour system
  • The brand message is fragmented, and all communication — from content to illustration end up singing different tunes
  • Hard to formulate new ideas or extend this "glued together" system — because it doesn't have any cornerstones or governing principles

We started by consolidating insights from staff & customers. NPS, surveys, and in-person interviews were a great help here. We kept narrowing-down our definition of what Headout is, what it stands for, who are customers are, what impact do we want to have, etc till answers emerged.

From there on, mood boards have been a great help in expanding-on & exploring ideas. Now with our core story, values, and principles in place — we've been moving fast and documenting every step along the way.

I hope to turn it into a mini-documentary. Would you like to watch it? Or should it be traditional — Introducing the new Headout blog post?

Another critical insight that emerged was "how to converge" in a meeting. Discussions during a brand meeting can take wild-turns; the only way to keep focused and arrive at the answer is to keep asking the right questions.

You are reading a post that I wrote a long time back—at least 4 years ago. Take it with a bag of salt.

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