How to Start Networking with Like-Minded People [Online]

A lot of young entrepreneurs ask me the question - How do I start networking? And those who emailed / DM'd / or shouted out them question actually answered their question. They took the first step - connect. Just drop them an email, DM them, @reply them or write on their wall or anything. Just get started. At this point, often they say that they can't think of anything to talk about. If you really can't talk to them about anything, why do you want to networking? Networking is done with like-minded people, like-minded means that there is something in common - talk about that.
  • Write them an email to appreciate what they do
  • Ask them a question (like the people who asked this question did)
  • Blog about them
  • DM / Tweet / @reply them
  • Write on their facebook wall.
  • Sing a song to them, record it, put it on YouTube (that might be too creepy)
There is no end to the ways you can connect - it really doesn't matter how and about what you connect. Just connect. Like many asked me how to network - so they could network. Do it for the fun of it. Whom are you writing a mail today?
Photo by mckaysavage

You are reading a post that I wrote a long time backā€”at least 14 years ago. Take it with a bag of salt.

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