Guru [Movies for Entrepreneurs]

Guru DVD Cover They say it's based on Dhiru Bahi Amabni's life (founder of Reliance - one of India's biggest Company) and it is awesome. It's story of an entrepreneurs from idea to world class execution - and many slaps in between. Guru (antagonist) leaves his job on promotion because he can't work for others, marries to get funded while his father is against it and changes the system to fit him. It is one hell of inspiring movies with nice Bollywood music and dance. Get subtitles if you need to - it's worth it. Just go watch it. PS: What do entrepreneurs do when to-good-to-be-true media bitches about them? They ignore and move on. Buy on Amazon

You are reading a post that I wrote a long time backā€”at least 14 years ago. Take it with a bag of salt.

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